Friday, December 31, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR, a day early

Hey Everyone!
I will be gone on vacation Jan. 1-8, Grand Cayman. Considering the 2 feet of snow otu my window, and the cold temperatures it is a fair statement that I excited for warmth. I got some pretty awsome books waiting to be read, got 3 more yesterday. Including Deadly little Games which I'm ubberly excited. I almost am in LOVE with the cover Nightshade!!! Absoutly love the cover, if you don't know why go stare at a copy in a book store!! You can follow or befriend me on Goodreads to my ratings!! I also believe today is the last day for the Indie Holiday Giveaway so if you have not done so already go check it out!! I'm also considering maybe looking into republishing End of the Line, re-editing it with another company, not really sure.

Oh the lovely Jessica posted the interview of me on her blog!! She is quite flattering!! You all should check it out! I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Talk to you in 2011 :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cabin fever, day 2

Hey Everyone!!
I don't know if everyone will understand this reference, but if anyone has seen The Muppet's Treasure Island, the song 'cabin fever' is beginning to take form. Those of us that are in Jersey, are still under state of emergency, and to further prove it. It stopped snowing this morning and it is 7pm and my street has yet to be plowed, just lovely. Just as a reference there is probably over 2 feet of snow. My poor car is gone, well was till my dad shoveled the driveway, but the street to free us all, nopes. The town's police called us to make sure that we would not leave our homes, however happily enough we did not lose power, I finished reading The Hourglass Door, and I have been working on the sequal to A Pirates' Life for Me, 'Heart Out at Sea'. After reading The Hourglass Door, just further proved, if I leave how I end A Pirates Life for Me how it is, I will have books thrown at my head.

Since a fair amount of people are getting a from of an e-reader, that will lead to more bruising which is not very nice! I'm figuring the characters out a little better, and I'm thinking there will be a form of romance that I have never really done before. It's all exciting! I can wait to explore this story a little more so that you all can also read it. I also have a few other tales being worked on as well. I guess I really needed this break from school!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

BLIZZARD accomplishments!!

Hey Everyone!!!
So if I sound a little crazy, blame the Cabin Fever kicking in!! For those who are NOT living in Jersey might now this, there is a blizzard outside my window (i really wouldn't mind having a mint oreo blizzard from DQ right about now...)!!! My area is suppose to get around 18 or so inches of snow! It is seriously insane, I could barely see out my window today. That kicked my butt to get things done however. I got to finally take my new author picture, author bio finished, summery of Family Ties for the back cover done, interview for Jessica done, and lastely uploaded End of the Line up on Amazon for kindle format which will be able to be downloaded on Kindles this week!!

I hope the holidays were great to everyone and will keep doing so!!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Hey Everyone!!
Sorry that it has been a little bit, finals are finally done along with the semester!!! I'm going to highly enjoy this time off! I recieved The Hourglass Door and The Poison Study, with more to come and this just adds to my excitement! Sorry I'm highly easily amused! Plus a dork so it's all good. So yesterday was my 21st birthday!! I'm not really a drinker so it wasn't overally a big deal, but I had some fun with my one housemate last night at school since it was her last night!! Going to miss her in the house! My friend Melissa will be kidnapping me tomorrow night, which shall be interesting none the less...

Okay so in other news TOMORROW I'm finally going to summit author bio and the description of Family Ties to BC Publishing finally!! I feel bad I keep putting it off!! I will probably will have a friend read the decription to see if it makes people want to read the book. I will also try to take an author picture tomorrow after I get my new license (those who are from NJ will understand when you turn 21 your license change directions). I'll try not to be too picky with the promises.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finals are almost DEAD!

Hey everyone!!
I'm tired and drained, so it must be the end of the semester! I have a World Religions debate tomorrow, a Policies and Society of Developing Countries final Friday, and an Education test 8am Monday. It is almost time for break and I can almost taste it! I very much need this break and I can not wait to enjoy every second of peace!

On top of studying for my last final this weekend, my goals are, to finish my author bio and Family Ties for BCP! I've been working on that in pieces after restarting since computer felt the need to delete what I had done! Jeremy (my computer, yes I named my laptop!) decided to be mean to me! I will also be working on my Interview for the lovely blog
The Simple Pleasure of Reading I truly enjoy talking to the owner of that site! I'm sure I will be helping the Weber household get even MORE into the festive mood of the holidays, but the house has been done for awhile...

I'll try not to keep the duration of time to be too long again with posts! I will also hopefully be working on the Book Trailier for End of the Line during break!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

little updates!

Hey Everyone!
I hope December is going well for everyone despite the chaos that might be happening! So I decided to do little updates! If you use Goodreads, there is now a description of End of the Line on there and on Amazon! I also set up an author page on Amazon, so far I think I like the idea, I found something else to figure out! Also a very high energy blogger I follow, made me excited! MORE NEWS! I love her energy and her language so when I saw that she was looking for authors to interview I volunteered. She accepted my offer and I will be interviewed on her blog, (link below). I highly suggest you all take a look at her blog, it is simply beautiful and I'm sure you all will enjoy it! I will be interviewed on December 31!

The Simple Pleasure of Reading

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So whether it's a good idea or I'm trying to find a new way to procastenate, we'll never know...However, tell me what you think of the new 'page' for my books. I'm going to put the summeries of each story on there. I might add like fun facts for each story under the summery, though I'm not sure, tell me what you think!

Friday, December 3, 2010

end of the semester...

I really hope everyone's schedule isn't as bad as mine. I might not really be updating this week sadly...unless I have uber good news which I want to share. I have finals starting not this upcoming week, but the next so all the last bit of assignments are this week and a test I SERIOUSLY need to do well on! So I will be going frantic with schoolwork. I will not have much time, which really is not okay in my book. I will be writing 'Project US 3: Project Not Again' and might try playing around with 'A Pirate's Life for Me 2 (Heart Out at Sea)', no promises on the second one however. I'm sorry for how long I might be absent...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The Indie Holiday Giveaway is starting today and ends December 31!! On the side there is a clickable box and at the bottom of this entry a link. I have a signed copy of End of the Line on the site! 47 authros are involved! Also Bucks County Publishing is having me summit an author bio, author picture, and a blurb about Family ties soon! Eaiser it makes Family Ties publishing!